Psykologiske ydelser til professionelle i familiedannelsesområdet
EKSISTENS er specialiseret i rådgivning, supervision, kurser, undervisning og uddannelser for professionelle der arbejder i familiedannelsesområdet.
Der udbydes derfor faglige tiltag inden for følgende fagområder:
- Perinatal Mental Health
- Perinatal Psychology
- Infant mental Health
- Reproductive Mental Health
- Reproductive Therapy
- Reproductive Psychosocial Care
- Perinatal Emotional Health
- Prenatal Attachment
- Perinatal Child-Parent Psychotherapy
- Clinical Child Psychology
- Reproductive Trauma
- Traumaspecialized Interventions in the Pre- and Postnatal Period
- Perinatal Risk-Reduction and Early Clinical Psychological Interventions
- Care and Education for Perinatal Professionals